Upload Excel Sheet
The ‘Upload Excel Sheet’ task is only available for the ZIPPYDOC for Excel Add-In and used to upload a table-list from an Excel Sheet. If you mark a table prior to clicking the task, you can select to upload the marked range only. Otherwise the full sheet is uploaded. Note that ZIPPYDOC expects the uploaded list to have a header row.
Tables saved on the ZIPPYDOC business automisation & integration plattform are encrypted at rest. The data is even not accessible by ZIPPYDOC itself as operations is outsourced to the trusted, certified and independent operator QBeyond. After upload, you can apply the full feature set of the ZIPPYDOC plattform to your data. Those features are among others:
- apply a data transformer to modify the tables data
- automise routines on any table change or on schedule
- categorize tables by using tags
- use the table as input for display tasks e.g. Flexmonster or D3
- use the table as source for PDF generation tasks e.g. using PDFrePRO.
- share the table or parts of the table with others
- publish the table to the internet community