Join Multiple
The ‘Join Multiple’ tasks automatically joins multiple input-tables. The join is performed as join by all columns with the same column name.
The Join Multiple task is also very useful in searching for all tables with a specific table tag and joining all those tables together. Examples are distributed data sources, where e.g. one datasource contains Personell-ID and Personnel Name, the Other Personnel-ID and Salary and yet another table Personnel-ID and Holiday-Days. If those tables are tagged with the one tag, all those tables can easily be autojoined by this tasks.
If more than one column exists for all the tables, having the same column name the join options are:
- Joining by only those same-name-columns that exist in all tables to be joined.
- Joining step-by-step each table to the alreay joined-table, so that all same-name-columns of all tables are joined.
Go to Flow Gallery and Copy & Edit the Join Multiple Flow for example usecases.